Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bad Hair Days

Bad hair days... Everyone has them, they make are mornings even more stressful and difficult. We try everything to remedy them... Such as hats, pony tails, spit, and many hair products. What are the point of bad hair days? The worst bad hair days are the ones that only you notice, when you mention it to anyone and they say they don't see a difference it only makes you more destressed. But I can't deny that when people notice your bad hair day its really upsetting, cause you feel out of order or gross. Then you start making extra sops to the bathroom just to see if your hair is getting better through out the day, or try and splash some water in hopes of taming your hair in some way. But if you are having a bad thair day Spend a few more minutes brushing your haair and DON'T put a more product in your hair it will only "upset" your hair even more.